Posts Tagged 'loony'

31 July 2012: Ballaballa

31Juli:ballaballa from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany

Word or Expression: Ballaballa

Closest English Translation: cuckoo, loopy, loony, loco, gaga, nutso

Literal Translation: Ball Ball?

This word probably has its origins in a German popular song from 1965 called My Baby Balla Balla by The Rainbows.

7 Mar 2012: Bekloppte

7 Mar: Bekloppte from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Goa, India

Word or Expression: der Bekloppte

Closest English Translation: loony, wacko

Special thanks to the highly creative Anuj Vaidya, artist, video/film maker, performer, curator, and foodie! And of course to Dr. Rhee!

7 Feb 2012: Spinner

7 Feb: Spinner from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany

Word or Expression: der Spinner

Closest English Translation: fruit loop, wacko, weirdo
Direct Translation: one who spins

1 year long durational performance blog

ENDDecember 31, 2012
366 (leap year) cusswords, insults, and slang - smarter in German!