Archive for July, 2012

31 July 2012: Ballaballa

31Juli:ballaballa from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany

Word or Expression: Ballaballa

Closest English Translation: cuckoo, loopy, loony, loco, gaga, nutso

Literal Translation: Ball Ball?

This word probably has its origins in a German popular song from 1965 called My Baby Balla Balla by The Rainbows.

30 July 2012: Sich einen hinter die Binde gießen

30Juli: Sich einen hinter die Binde gießen from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany, Kreuzberg, Oranienstrasse

Word or Expression: Sich einen hinter die Binde gießen

Closest English Translation: to wet one’s whistle

Literal Translation: to water one behind one’s tape, scarf, bandage

Thanks to artist Lizza May David!

29 July 2012: Strammermax

29 Juli: Strammermax from kate hers on Vimeo.

Learning Category: idiom/slang

Location: Berlin, Germany, Keyser Soze

Word or Expression: Der Strammermax

Closest English Translation: McMuffin? A slice of bread fried in butter and covered with ham and fried egg
(tight willy, hard dick)

Literal Translation: Stiff Max, Tight Max

The term Strammer Max (literally “stiff Max” or “tight Max”) originated in the 1920s in Saxon slang, where it initially referred to an erection, the male name “Max” being often used as a slang word for penis (similar to the English “Dick” or “Willy”). The term was adopted into Berlin street slang and applied to a dish that was supposed to be especially strengthening to the sexual prowess of the person eating it.

28 July 2012: Prügelknabe

28 Juli: Prügelknabe from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany, Cafe Chagall

Word or Expression: der Prügelknabe

Closest English Translation: fall guy, scapegoat, doormat

Direct English Translation: flogging knave

Thank you Christoph, Magda, Amanda and Hanjo for such amazing acting.

27 July 2012: Das Blaue von Himmel lügen

27 Juli: Das Blaue vom Himmel lügen from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany, Weißensee

Word or Expression: Das Blaue von Himmel lügen. (I said, “Der Lügt das Blaue von Himmel.”)

Closest English Translation: He promises you the moon (and then he does not deliver).

Direct English Translation: To lie about the blue from the sky. He lies about the blue from the sky.

Thank you Kimura Byol.

26 July 2012: Fick dich ins Knie!

26 Juli: Fick dich ins Knie from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany, Dong Xuan Vietnamese Market

Word or Expression: Fick dich ins Knie!

Closest English Translation: Go fuck yourself!

Literal Translation: Fuck yourself in the knee!

Thank you Jonas Becker, artist and photographer and my fellow UCI alumni!

25 July 2012: Wissen, wo der Häse im Pfeffer liegt

25 Juli: Wissen, wo der Hasse im Pfeffer liegt from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany, my house

Word or Expression: Wissen, wo der Häse im Pfeffer liegt

Closest English Translation: To know where’s the snag or To know that’s the problem.

Direct Translation: to know, where the rabbit lies in pepper.

24 July 2012: Klip und klar

24 Juli: Klip und klar from kate hers on Vimeo.

Learning Category: idiom/slang

Location: Berlin, Germany, my house

Word or Expression: Klip und klar

Closest English Translation: clear and the the point, crystal clear

Thank you Stephanie B!

23 July 2012: Nigelnagelneu

23 July: Nigelnagelneu from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany, Pankow

Word or Expression: Nigelnagelneu

Closest English Translation: spanking brand new

Literal Translation: (read that Nigel has no meaning) Nigel Nail New

22 July 2012: Katzentisch

22 Juli: Katzentisch from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany, Omoni in Prenzlauerberg

Word or Expression: der Katzentisch

Closest English Translation: the kiddie table, the side table

Literal Translation: cat’s table

The cat’s table is usually the undesirable table. In a restaurant it is the table next to the toilet or the cloakroom. It is the table for the children or the unimportant.

Thanks to Hyunji and Duriel for being such good sports.

1 year long durational performance blog

ENDDecember 31, 2012
366 (leap year) cusswords, insults, and slang - smarter in German!