Archive for December, 2012

21 Dezember 2012: Es geht um die Würst

21 Dec: Es geht um die Würst from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany

Word or Expression: Es geht um die Würst

Closest English Translation: It’s now or never, It’s do or die situation

Literal Translation: It’s about the wurst

20 December 2012: Pickelfresse

20 Dec: Pickelfresse from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany

Word or Expression: Pickelfresse

Closest English Translation: Pizzaface

Literal Translation: Pimple mug, Pimple face (feeder)

Fressen means to feed. Fresse is another impolite word for face, since that is where one eats. So, although Germans don’t have this image in their mind, I always think of a pimple eater when I hear this word.

19 Dezember 2012: für die Katz

19 Dec: für die Katz from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany, Kaisers

Word or Expression: für die Katz

Closest English Translation: for the birds

Literal Translation: for the cat

18 December 2012: nach jemandes Pfeife tanzen müssen

18 Dec: nach jemandes Pfeife tanzen müssen from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany

Word or Expression: nach jemandes Pfeife tanzen müssen

Closest English Translation: to be at someone’s beck and call

Literal Translation: to have to dance to someone’s whistle

17 Dezember 2012: Da wächst kein Gras mehr

17 Dec: Da wächst kein Gras mehr from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany

Word or Expression: Da wächst kein Gras mehr

Closest English Translation: completely destroyed

Literal Translation: grass doesn’t grow there anymore

It seems to be used always with some kind of condition: Example sentence: “(Wo er langgeht) wächst kein Gras mehr.”
“One blow from him and you’ll be out cold.”

16 Dezember 2012: das Fähnchen nach dem Wind drehen

16 Dec: das Fähnchen nach dem Wind drehen from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany

Word or Expression: das Fähnchen nach dem Wind drehen

Closest English Translation: to jump on the bandwagon, to be opportunistic

Literal Translation: to turn one’s fan to the wind

15 Dezember 2012: Forgot to make my video!

Please check back in the new year. I have already scheduled my punishment to take place in the first week. 😦

14 Dezember 2012: Fehleranzeige

14 Dec: Fehleranzeige from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany, Gesundbrunnen S-Bahn station

Word or Expression: Fehleranzeige

Closest English Translation: error message

Literal Translation: mistake announcement, error indication

The special significance of this term is that it seems to be in high usage during the winter months with the Deutsche Bahn in regards to the interruption of the S-Bahn. Thus, my video while I am waiting for the train.

13 Dezember 2012: ein Nummer zu Groß für jemand

13 Dec ein Nummer zu groß für Jemand from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany

Word or Expression: ein Nummer zu Groß für jemand

Closest English Translation: out of one’s league

Literal Translation: a number too big for someone

You can also say:
“Das ist für ihn ein paar Nummern zu groß,” which means, “He would be biting off more than he can chew with that.”

This video is a excerpt from pi in binary.

12 Dezember 2012: sich kein bein ausreissen

12Dec: sich kein bein ausreissen from kate hers on Vimeo.

Location: Berlin, Germany

Word or Expression: sich kein bein ausreissen

Closest English Translation: to not kill oneself (over something), to not give so much effort

Literal Translation: to not rip out one’s leg

1 year long durational performance blog

ENDDecember 31, 2012
366 (leap year) cusswords, insults, and slang - smarter in German!